Are you sitting there wondering why none of your recent dates just didn't work out? Do you find yourself thinking about your ex boyfriend a lot? You know you want that guy back. You miss him so much and you want to get him back but you're not sure how. Well you're in luck. Because I have some proven methods that can bring that guy right back to ya!
A Gals Guide to Getting Your Guy Back

How are you going to get your guy back after that big break up? That's a question that gets asked a lot. Well since this is a gal's guide to getting your guy back, you're in a good place to get the answers. First you have to realize that no matter what caused the break up, you were both to blame. If he cheated, you probably weren't giving him everything that he needed. If you cheated, he wasn't getting it done for you, so you went looking elsewhere. Cheating is not the only reason for a break up (just the ugliest one). Whatever the reason was, you both have to
come to terms with it and put it behind you. Forgiveness is the first step to getting your guy back. Forgive and forget is important here. If either one of you has a problem with this, there's not much hope for the future of your relationship. All apologies made must be sincere or else you're just lying to each other.
Forgive and forget

Now once you've put all the bad stuff behind you,
Remember how things were when you first laid eyes on him. It's ok to chase him just a little. But remember, you just want to start a spark. Don't become a stalker or text him or call him at all hours of the night. Take it easy don't move to fast. You both have to be absolutely sure that you want to start dating each other again.
Take it slow

He might start dragging his feet. Sometimes guys aren't too eager to jump right back into a relationship that went bad once before. You might just have to settle for being friends for right now. Take it slow for now and enjoy whatever time you can spend with him. But at the same time you can't just sit around waiting for him to make up his mind. Go out with some friends now and then. Now is a great time to start working on yourself. Join a gym or an exercise class. Get yourself looking good to other guys and you'll soon be getting your guy back.
Most of the time getting back together with an ex is definitely possible. Sometimes it comes easy and sometimes not so much.
If you would like some great information on how to win your boyfriend back.....
I have a friend named T. W. Jackson. T Dub authored a simple, down to earth step by step guide called
The Magic Of Making Up. Take a look I think you'll like it.