Did something go wrong between you and your boyfriend, causing you to split up? Do you want him back and can't think of anything else? Well I have some good news.It is totally possible to get him back! Just follow these simple steps and you'll discover how to win him back.
The first thing you'll need to do is some deep reflection and contemplate a few things.
1) Was whatever that went wrong worth breaking up over?
2) Do you really need to rehash it? ( or is the reason for the split better off left in the past)
3) Can you change anything by by bringing the subject up and possibly causing another fight?
If you've answered NO to any of these questions, drop it, let it go! It'll iron itself out. Don't cause any more damage.
Keep in mind, patience is a virtue. Take it slow. Don't worry about stupid stuff. It doesn't matter if someone thinks you're too fat, too skinny, smart or dumb, or whatever. Turn all of that off in your mind. Go back to who you were before the relationship.
Create some space between you and your ex.Keep communication to a minimum.This will reduce stress. When you do see or talk to him, keep it short. By remaining distant, you will allow time to relieve the tension between the two of you. If you see him on the street or anywhere else, a wave and a polite hello is enough. I guarantee that he'll be thinking about you for the next few days.
Do whatever it takes to look your best. If you've put on a few pounds, get rid of them. You'll need to look good, smell good and feel good. The better you feel about yourself, The more attractive you'll be to others, including your ex boyfriend. Guys are very attracted to women who keep up their appearance and show confidence.
The first thing you'll need to do is some deep reflection and contemplate a few things.
1) Was whatever that went wrong worth breaking up over?
2) Do you really need to rehash it? ( or is the reason for the split better off left in the past)
3) Can you change anything by by bringing the subject up and possibly causing another fight?
If you've answered NO to any of these questions, drop it, let it go! It'll iron itself out. Don't cause any more damage.
Don't rush anything
Create some space between you and your ex.
Keep it fresh
Start over
Now that you're a beautiful and confident woman, it's time to win him back. Slowly and carefully make yourself more available to him. Men love a mysterious woman. Open the channels of communication again. Remember how you did it the first time. Toss a few compliments out there now and then. start talking on the phone a little more. Have lunch with him a few times. Talk about the good times you two have shared. Never talk about the bad times or the break up. Leave that in the past. Remember, you must lure him to you. Do not appear needy or too anxious. Sit down with him and learn how to enjoy each others company again. After all, it; 's not that hard if you've done it before. Kindness and understanding will rekindle the lost relationship you yearn for so badly.
If you would like some great information on how to win your boyfriend back.....
I have a friend named T. W. Jackson. T Dub authored a simple, down to earth step by step guide called The Magic Of Making Up. Take a look I think you'll like it.